
Thursday 27 August 2015

Video: How Teenager Rose From Death After Burial

Neysi Perez, 16, was buried alive after she “fell unconscious” after getting out of bed one night to use the bathroom at her home in Honduras. Neysi was three months pregnant at the time.

The teen’s family believes that she collapsed after hearing a burst of gunfire. When Neysi began to foam at the mouth, her religious family called for a priest to perform an exorcism, reports the Daily Mail.
The family believed the teen was possessed by evil. The priest attempted an exorcism, but Neysi’s body became lifeless. The family rushed her to a hospital, and three hours later, she was declared dead by three different doctors.

Neysi was buried in a wedding dress she had recently used to get married.

The day after he buried his bride, Rudy Gonzales, visited Neysi’s grave. He heard banging and muffled screams coming from inside the concrete tomb.

He got a cemetery worker, and they desperately attempted to break through the concrete to free Neysi from the grave. They broke through the concrete with a sledgehammer. They brought out her grave and opened it, but Neysi was lifeless, and again attempts to revive her failed, reports the Mirror.

“I was heartbroken because my sweetheart had been taken so suddenly from me. I wanted to be near to her. As I put my hand on her grave I could hear noises inside. I heard banging, then I heard her voice. She was screaming for help. It had already been a day since we buried her. I couldn’t believe it. I was ecstatic, full of hope,” Gonzales said.

Jesus Villanueva, a cemetery worker, said that he had also heard sounds coming from the grave.

    “I convinced myself that the screams were coming from somewhere else. I never imagined that there was someone alive in there. That afternoon the girl’s husband came to me begging me to get her out because she was alive. He was hysterical. The family were soon here and started breaking through the tomb, shouting her name.”

Claudia Lopez, the doctor that examined Neysi when she was brought to the hospital, said, “The whole family rushed in, almost breaking the door down, carrying the girl in her casket. I told them to take her out and put her on the bed. Everybody was claiming she was alive so I went through all the necessary procedures.”

Dr. Lopez added, “We evaluated and tried everything but the girl was dead. They put her back in the coffin and took her away again, back to the cemetery.”

Dr. Lopez believes that the teen suffered a severe panic attack after hearing gunfire that stopped her heart.

Watch the video here
Source: Inquisitr

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